Locations Needed for Film and Television AND Acting Jobs
These locations must be in Nassau County.
1) For feature film, The Longest Week, they are looking for is a really high-end classy bar: think mad-men, old dark wood or classy french, jacket required, but still uber -hip and bohemian. They have a healthy budget for this one.
2) For television program, The Good Wife, they are looking to film in a Beaux Arts type building that they can PREP, SHOOT and WRAP from 10/17 to 10/21 of this month. Please refer to “Good Wife”
Please refer all suggestions to debfilm@aol.com.
For Scott Goldberg Movies –
1) Casting NYC or Queens or Long Island Based Talent for Occupy Wall Street Slow Motion Sequences - need emotional types to protest with passion, some even crying, will slow down the motion and do a very sad and emotional and powerful section for The Three. This is an actors dream - to act in front of thousands of people on Wall Street - looking for homeless types, protestor types and businessmen types.
2) Child actors age 12-14 who can be on camera for a few minutes watching television - it's a split screen shot of a reality tv show woman talking about being famous and the girl is watching mindlessly staring at the tv watching with makeup on. It would take ten minutes tops can you ask around - the parents can e-mail me at scottgoldbergmovies@gmail.com. Do let me know of any responses, thanks!
These are non-paying acting jobs – please contact Scott Goldberg at scottgoldbergmovies@gmail.com.
Thank you!
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