Hello All, (Locations needed follow below- they must be in Nassau County)
First, we're very happy to announce that Michael J. Weithorn, last year's Jury Prize for Best Feature Film winner at LIIFE for his indie film, A Little Help, has secured a theatrical release which will begin tomorrow. Michael, the writer and creator of The King Of Queens, brought this great film to the Long Island International Film Expo last year, and we're very happy with his success. You can see A Little Help and hear Michael speak tomorrow, after the 7:45 pm screening of A Little Help at the Port Washington Cinemas. http://alittlehelpthemovie.com/theatres/
And we had great success at the Long Island International Film Expo again this year. We're very excited for our 15th year anniversary in 2012, but in the meanwhile, please look at some of the excitement in the links below.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyLfAuiEXmE http://gardencity.patch.com/articles/former-garden-city-resident-wins-best-short-film-at-liife#video-7038482urhttp://farmingdale.patch.com/articles/video-film-with-farmingdale-scenes-wins-big-at-festival
Now -for the locations needed:
1) For televison series, Pan Am:"Seeking a location that could pass for a hotel in the tropics (specifically Indonesia) set in the late 1950's / early 1960's. Location needs to be colonial looking (in the style of the Merchant Marine Academy.) Looking for Dutch/colonial, white/stucco, pillars, arches, terra cotta roofs. NO BRICK, NO NEW YORK COLONIAL.
Also: Seeking exteriors which can pass for late 1950's / early 1960's office building, hotel, old people's home, hospital. Looking for grand locations. Perhaps any interior locations which can pass for airport/customs area.” Please reference "Pan Am"
2) For SyFy Channels show, Ghost Hunters: They need is a very large venue for their annual live Halloween episode. This is the biggest episode of Ghost Hunters that they produce. The venue needs to be large (large in property size, multiple large structures, etc.) and have a history of paranormal reports. Please let me know if you have any additional venue suggestions for the live show. Please reference Ghost Hunters.
3)For a family drama, "Surviving Family" to shoot between July 24 and 29 (5 days), they need a 1980's Irish or Italian style family house, ideally furnished. Scenes take place in dining room and kitchen mostly. They only have about $1,000 for the week (maybe a little more). If interested, please reference "Surviving Family."
4) For a Lord and Taylor Christmas Catalog (week of August 15) need an old fashioned movie house - should have stage with red curtains, seats and a marquee (which will spell out "What is Christmas Made Of." (Yes, I already gave them both the Malverne Cinema and the Bellmore Movies. Please reference "L & T Buske"
5) For a Microsoft Print Ad - 1 day between August 4 - 11 - they need an office park. (no specifications. Please reference "Microsoft Lavin"
Thank you!