Nassau County Film Office Director Debra Markowitz and actor Sam Worthington.
Hello All, (These must be in Nassau County)
I hope all is well, and you're getting ready to have a wonderful holiday.
First, I need two locations.
1) For feature film, "Man on a Ledge," starring Sam Worthington (Avatar), they need a building with two doors that open to a hallway that would appear to be in a court building. It must be large. This is for as early as next week. Although this is a feature, the budget is not huge, but adequate. They'd like this as near to Bethpage as possible.
2)For Gant Rugger men's clothing, they need an artists living/work space. About 6,000 - 7,000 square feet. This is for a still shoot with video for the web. This is for Dec 11 or 13.
And lastly, from December 14 - 15, we will be holding a Film Friendly Nassau County Location and Studio Tour and take approximately 25 location managers, producers, directors and a couple of celebrities to various filming locations in Nassau County as well as touring our NYS approved studios. We want to give out goodie bags to attendees, and if you have anything that is appropriate to give to the attendees that would highlight your area (if you're film friendly) and company, we would be open to it. We're thinking usuable items, not literature. Please contact me asap if you have anything.
If you have any suggestions for the above, please e-mail me at debfilm@aol.com and reference the job name.
Thank you, and have a wonderful holiday.
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