Locations Needed for Two Low-Budget, Indie Features
Hello All, (These must be in Nassau County)
1)Looking for locations for two indie films. One does have a budget, though a low one. They are looking for a closed, fast-food restaurant. Film name is "Compliance." This is for the last week of January or early to mid-February. 2 - 3 days prep, 3 days of shooting and 2-3 days of wrap. Must be in Nassau County - should be near Mineola.
2)Locations for "The Three," a Scott Goldberg Film.
a)From Scott: Just need an outside shot for a film that I'm shooting. I'm using a DSLR HD Still Camera and tripod only and hoping to either get permission or do it guerrilla style. Any location or towns with an institution type of building where Scientists would be or base their headquarters out of would be appreciated. It doesn't have to be an actual place where scientists work, but something that can pass for it.Just need an exterior shot of a building that can pass for where a scientist headquarters would be.
b) looking to shoot for an hour in a room of a quiet house - from the 50s, meaning nothing modern in it - for some reason I'm thinking an old building that may be on a reservation or not being used anymore. We're setting up a table and three characters as the scene is of a man talking to the other two men about doing a sale - hell, we can even do this scene as they all stand, doesn't need to be at a table - looking to make this quick and simple.... It's for an HD project and it's $50 pay for the hour. Think of "The William Cullen Bryant House" type feel with the interior walls, etc. A place with windows would be great. It's all natural lighting and is me and a camera, no other crew.
If you have any suggestions for "Compliance," please note the name of the movie and send it to me at debfilm@aol.com. If you have any suggestions for Scott Goldberg, you can e-mail him directly at scott@mrmullenfilm.com
Thank you.
I'm a Film Commissioner, Long Island International Film Expo Director, novelist, freelancer, ghost writer, casting director and producer. I don't know what lies ahead, but I'm sure it will be fun! Take my hand; join me on my journey. "With regard to jobs and locations postings; Although I've worked with many of these people/companies before - please be advised that you contact them at your own risk and need to vet them for yourself. Caveat Emptor."
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Locations Needed for Sam Worthington Movie and Still Shoot

Nassau County Film Office Director Debra Markowitz and actor Sam Worthington.
Hello All, (These must be in Nassau County)
I hope all is well, and you're getting ready to have a wonderful holiday.
First, I need two locations.
1) For feature film, "Man on a Ledge," starring Sam Worthington (Avatar), they need a building with two doors that open to a hallway that would appear to be in a court building. It must be large. This is for as early as next week. Although this is a feature, the budget is not huge, but adequate. They'd like this as near to Bethpage as possible.
2)For Gant Rugger men's clothing, they need an artists living/work space. About 6,000 - 7,000 square feet. This is for a still shoot with video for the web. This is for Dec 11 or 13.
And lastly, from December 14 - 15, we will be holding a Film Friendly Nassau County Location and Studio Tour and take approximately 25 location managers, producers, directors and a couple of celebrities to various filming locations in Nassau County as well as touring our NYS approved studios. We want to give out goodie bags to attendees, and if you have anything that is appropriate to give to the attendees that would highlight your area (if you're film friendly) and company, we would be open to it. We're thinking usuable items, not literature. Please contact me asap if you have anything.
If you have any suggestions for the above, please e-mail me at debfilm@aol.com and reference the job name.
Thank you, and have a wonderful holiday.
Filmmakers Connection Holiday Party, Come Share Your Talent/Love at the 4th Annual LIFTF Nursing Home Event, Long Island International Film Expo earlybird submission pricing AND Finishing Fund Grants Available!
The next Filmmakers Connection Meeting will be our Holiday Gathering held on Monday (Yes, that’s a Monday), December 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm in Room 312 of Five Towns College in Dix Hills, NY 11746. Come network and celebrate the holiday/new year coming with refreshments. Donna McKenna will be collecting canned (please check expiration dates) and paper goods once again, and we will have a $5, 50/50 raffle at the party,
Every year, the LIFTF holds a Nursing Home Show put together by Donna McKenna. It will be held Saturday, Dec 11 at 2:15 pm at Our Lady of Constellations in West Islip. This will be our 4th year and the residents are very excited about us returning. Anyone that is interested can email Donna McKenna at dmmcasting@aol.com. If you can dance, sing, do a skit, play an instrument or just hold a residents hand – you could be a good fit. Donna can also use an intern to help her and her husband to set up. Please let Donna know if you can entertain, help, or just want to attend and keep the seniors company.
The Long Island International Film Expo (LIIFE) is now accepting films for consideration for the 2011 festival. Get in on the deeply discounted early bird submissions until February 18 at http://liifilmexpo.org/ or www.longislandfilm.com The 14th annual LIIFE will be held from July 8 – 14, 2011, with the closing party on Thursday, July 14 – Buffet 5:00 – 6:30 in Filmmakers Lounge, with awards ceremony beginning next door in the Bellmore Movies at 6:45 pm. General admission is $55, or $45 for Filmmakers Connection Members!
LONG ISLAND FILM/TV FONDATION FINISHING FUND GRANTS ARE NOW OPEN!! Cut-off date for grants is February 28, 2011. Forms will be online shortly at: http://longislandfilm.com/sections/grants.html or e-mail debfilm@aol.com for an application. Grants are given out at the LIIFE closing party and awards ceremony.
If you’re interested in finding out up-to-the-minute information on film jobs that I hear about (both cast and crew) or locations needed for film/tv/commercials, plus other film related information (or my own personal musings), check www.debramarkowitz.blogspot.com You can also sign up for our twitter account below, and I will tweet whenever I have anything film-related of interest. Let’s keep the work here!! If you are a filmmaker/casting person who knows of any positions, I can post those for you as well. Please e-mail me details: Union or nonUnion, personnel needed, whether it’s a paid position, when, where and what. Thank you.
We’re now on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace AND have our own Youtube channel! Come join us at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Long-Island-International-Film-Expo/125921132847, youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/LongIslandFilmExpo, myspace at: myspace.com/liifilmexpo and Twitter at: www.twitter.com/liintlfilmexpo.
If you had a film in the Long Island International Film Expo and have received a distribution deal (DVD, theatrical, and/or television), please send us a blurb and a link, and we’ll promote it for you on the Long Island International Film Expo facebook site.
If you have a home in Nassau County and would like to list it as a possible location for film/tv/commercial production, please contact debfilm@aol.com or call 516 571-3168.
If you have a business, service, or headshot you would like to bring to the attention of the dedicated audience that visits LongIslandFilm.com – consider placing a banner ad. They are quite reasonable this year, and could easily double in price by next year. If you sign up shortly, you will have your ad shown in random rotation for an entire year. Small banner ads are $150 – (120 x 60 pixels). Large banner ads are $300 (468 x 60 pixels). If interested, please e-mail your banner ad in the appropriate amount of pixels to debfilm@aol.com. Please include the URL you would like your ad to be connected to. You can pay by check to LIFTF, or by PalPay under “The Foundation” and then “Donations.” Just let us know when you send in your banner ad.
You can now pay for your membership to the Filmmakers Connection through PayPal on the www.LongIslandFilm.com website. Please be sure to include your name, address, phone #, e-mail address, which area of the film industry you are involved in (ex. Writer/director/producer) and whether or not you are already getting this newsletter by e-mail. Cost is $30 per year fee. If you are a student with current ID, it is $15 to join.)
If you would like to become a member (or renew your membership) of the Filmmakers Connection, please send $30, made out to the LIFTF to the Long Island Film/TV Foundation, c/o Bellmore Movies, 222 Pettit Avenue, Side Entrance, Bellmore, NY 11710. You may also pay at the meetings. The $30 membership fee entitles you to attend the Filmmakers Connection meetings for free. It also entitles you to discounts on Foundation functions such as the Long Island International Film Expo, the Awards Ceremony party, all mailings and newsletters, and (if all other criteria is met) a chance at winning the $1,000/$500 Finishing Fund Grant. (When you send in your $30, please be sure to include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and how you are involved with the film industry, i.e. director, producer, voice overs, etc.) and whether you are already getting this newsletter by e-mail. If you are a student with appropriate college/high school ID, the cost is $15 to join for the year. If you do not join, you can still attend meetings for free.
Please be advised that the Foundation/Film Commissions/Film Offices are not responsible for speaker cancellations. Every effort will be taken to insure a speaker’s availability on the date mentioned. In case of a cancellation, every effort will be made to book an alternate speaker.
For information on the Long Island Film/TV Foundation contact Robert Hansen at 516 707-2237. For information about the Long Island International Film Expo, please contact Debra Markowitz at 516 571-3168.
Phone:__________________ Fax:__________________ E-Mail:_______________
Talent (optional: producer, writer, director, lighting, sound, acting,
Make-up, music, computers, etc) ___________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about these meetings:_______________________________
Are you already receiving this newsletter by e-mail?_____________________
To Unsubscribe – please reply via this e-mail with “Unsubscribe” in the body of the e-mail. Also please note which list # you are on (if you know). Thank you.
The next Filmmakers Connection Meeting will be our Holiday Gathering held on Monday (Yes, that’s a Monday), December 13, 2010 at 7:30 pm in Room 312 of Five Towns College in Dix Hills, NY 11746. Come network and celebrate the holiday/new year coming with refreshments. Donna McKenna will be collecting canned (please check expiration dates) and paper goods once again, and we will have a $5, 50/50 raffle at the party,
Every year, the LIFTF holds a Nursing Home Show put together by Donna McKenna. It will be held Saturday, Dec 11 at 2:15 pm at Our Lady of Constellations in West Islip. This will be our 4th year and the residents are very excited about us returning. Anyone that is interested can email Donna McKenna at dmmcasting@aol.com. If you can dance, sing, do a skit, play an instrument or just hold a residents hand – you could be a good fit. Donna can also use an intern to help her and her husband to set up. Please let Donna know if you can entertain, help, or just want to attend and keep the seniors company.
The Long Island International Film Expo (LIIFE) is now accepting films for consideration for the 2011 festival. Get in on the deeply discounted early bird submissions until February 18 at http://liifilmexpo.org/ or www.longislandfilm.com The 14th annual LIIFE will be held from July 8 – 14, 2011, with the closing party on Thursday, July 14 – Buffet 5:00 – 6:30 in Filmmakers Lounge, with awards ceremony beginning next door in the Bellmore Movies at 6:45 pm. General admission is $55, or $45 for Filmmakers Connection Members!
LONG ISLAND FILM/TV FONDATION FINISHING FUND GRANTS ARE NOW OPEN!! Cut-off date for grants is February 28, 2011. Forms will be online shortly at: http://longislandfilm.com/sections/grants.html or e-mail debfilm@aol.com for an application. Grants are given out at the LIIFE closing party and awards ceremony.
If you’re interested in finding out up-to-the-minute information on film jobs that I hear about (both cast and crew) or locations needed for film/tv/commercials, plus other film related information (or my own personal musings), check www.debramarkowitz.blogspot.com You can also sign up for our twitter account below, and I will tweet whenever I have anything film-related of interest. Let’s keep the work here!! If you are a filmmaker/casting person who knows of any positions, I can post those for you as well. Please e-mail me details: Union or nonUnion, personnel needed, whether it’s a paid position, when, where and what. Thank you.
We’re now on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace AND have our own Youtube channel! Come join us at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Long-Island-International-Film-Expo/125921132847, youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/LongIslandFilmExpo, myspace at: myspace.com/liifilmexpo and Twitter at: www.twitter.com/liintlfilmexpo.
If you had a film in the Long Island International Film Expo and have received a distribution deal (DVD, theatrical, and/or television), please send us a blurb and a link, and we’ll promote it for you on the Long Island International Film Expo facebook site.
If you have a home in Nassau County and would like to list it as a possible location for film/tv/commercial production, please contact debfilm@aol.com or call 516 571-3168.
If you have a business, service, or headshot you would like to bring to the attention of the dedicated audience that visits LongIslandFilm.com – consider placing a banner ad. They are quite reasonable this year, and could easily double in price by next year. If you sign up shortly, you will have your ad shown in random rotation for an entire year. Small banner ads are $150 – (120 x 60 pixels). Large banner ads are $300 (468 x 60 pixels). If interested, please e-mail your banner ad in the appropriate amount of pixels to debfilm@aol.com. Please include the URL you would like your ad to be connected to. You can pay by check to LIFTF, or by PalPay under “The Foundation” and then “Donations.” Just let us know when you send in your banner ad.
You can now pay for your membership to the Filmmakers Connection through PayPal on the www.LongIslandFilm.com website. Please be sure to include your name, address, phone #, e-mail address, which area of the film industry you are involved in (ex. Writer/director/producer) and whether or not you are already getting this newsletter by e-mail. Cost is $30 per year fee. If you are a student with current ID, it is $15 to join.)
If you would like to become a member (or renew your membership) of the Filmmakers Connection, please send $30, made out to the LIFTF to the Long Island Film/TV Foundation, c/o Bellmore Movies, 222 Pettit Avenue, Side Entrance, Bellmore, NY 11710. You may also pay at the meetings. The $30 membership fee entitles you to attend the Filmmakers Connection meetings for free. It also entitles you to discounts on Foundation functions such as the Long Island International Film Expo, the Awards Ceremony party, all mailings and newsletters, and (if all other criteria is met) a chance at winning the $1,000/$500 Finishing Fund Grant. (When you send in your $30, please be sure to include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and how you are involved with the film industry, i.e. director, producer, voice overs, etc.) and whether you are already getting this newsletter by e-mail. If you are a student with appropriate college/high school ID, the cost is $15 to join for the year. If you do not join, you can still attend meetings for free.
Please be advised that the Foundation/Film Commissions/Film Offices are not responsible for speaker cancellations. Every effort will be taken to insure a speaker’s availability on the date mentioned. In case of a cancellation, every effort will be made to book an alternate speaker.
For information on the Long Island Film/TV Foundation contact Robert Hansen at 516 707-2237. For information about the Long Island International Film Expo, please contact Debra Markowitz at 516 571-3168.
Phone:__________________ Fax:__________________ E-Mail:_______________
Talent (optional: producer, writer, director, lighting, sound, acting,
Make-up, music, computers, etc) ___________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about these meetings:_______________________________
Are you already receiving this newsletter by e-mail?_____________________
To Unsubscribe – please reply via this e-mail with “Unsubscribe” in the body of the e-mail. Also please note which list # you are on (if you know). Thank you.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Child Actor Needed for Horror Comedy

Sean King is one our talented up and coming filmmakers. Here's a posting for a project he's working on:
Sean King:
Now CASTING for a young actor, boy, ages 9-12 for a part in an upcoming horror-comedy project. Must be able to travel to Suffolk County, Long
Island for a shoot in early Dec. For more info, please e-mail Sean King at
theghouligans@gmail.com, or message me here on FB. Thanks!
Good luck!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Location Needed for a Print Job THIS Monday!

Hello All, (This must be in Nassau County)
Hoping you can help out a scout for this Monday. His request: I have a still photo scout job for Monday, and I'm trying to find a 60's style beauty salon like in the Warren Beatty movie Shampoo.
If you have any suggestions or referrals, please e-mail me asap at debfilm@aol.com and reference Hutch still job.
Thank you, and have a good weekend.
Acting Job - Filmmakers Connection Meeting - Asbury Shorts Film Festival
Nassau County Film Office Director Debra Markowitz with Henry "The Fonz" Winkler at Royal Pains set in Nassau.
Short film needs to find a comedienne who can look fortyish. Must be willing to wear a mudpack? Will be shot in one day(probably Baldwin) - no pay, on HD video. We have the male lead, DP and cameraman. Youtube clips or head shots would be helpful. Please send resume and/or youtube link to Bob at bob@luminescecity.com.
The next Filmmakers Connection Meeting will be held on Monday (Yes, that’s a Monday), November 15, 2010 at 7:00 pm in Room 303 of Five Towns College in Dix Hills, NY 11746. The speaker is Elias Plagianos. Born in Brooklyn, Elias grew up in Rockland County, New York where he got his start in showbiz starring in and producing "Fried Cheese", a quirky public access TV series, when he was only 15 years old. Elias has since produced, written and directed several multimedia projects ranging from "The Iceland Experience", a DVD documentary on the icelandic indie music scene, to "Redskins Revenge", an award-winning horror short film and comic book.
Determined to bring his unique style of filmmaking to the big screen, Elias spent 6 years developing his feature film debut "The Crimson Mask", which had it's International premiere at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival and has won over 35 awards around the world including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor. Bring your headshots!!
Donna McKenna will be collecting canned foods for the local foods banks – so please bring in some canned food for the needy. Please check the expiration dates – no expired food can be accepted. Thank you for understanding.
AND from Doug LeClaire of the Asbury Shorts Film Concert
Discount for Filmmakers Connection Members when they show their cards!!!!
Asbury Shorts NY 30th Anniversary
"SHORT FILM CONCERT" Guest Host: Debra Markowitz of the Nassau County Film Office and the Long Island International Film Expo
Saturday November 13, 2010
Glenwood School--Glenwood Landing, Nassau County, LI
$12 general admission $10 for seniors and Filmmakers Connection Member when they present their cards!!!
An Evening of the best short films in the world!!
Hope to see you there! Doug LeClaire
Thehe Long Island International Film Expo (LIIFE) is now accepting films for consideration for the 2011 festival. Get in on the deeply discounted early bird submissions until February 18 at http://liifilmexpo.org/ or www.longislandfilm.com The 14th annual LIIFE will be held from July 8 – 14, 2011, with the closing party on Thursday, July 14. Details tba.
If you’re interested in finding out up-to-the-minute information on film jobs that I hear about (both cast and crew) or locations needed for film/tv/commercials, plus other film related information (or my own personal musings), check www.debramarkowitz.blogspot.com You can also sign up for our twitter account below, and I will tweet whenever I have anything film-related of interest. Let’s keep the work here!! If you are a filmmaker/casting person who knows of any positions, I can post those for you as well. Please e-mail me details: Union or nonUnion, personnel needed, whether it’s a paid position, when, where and what. Thank you.
We’re now on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace AND have our own Youtube channel! Come join us at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Long-Island-International-Film-Expo/125921132847, youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/user/LongIslandFilmExpo, myspace at: myspace.com/liifilmexpo and Twitter at: www.twitter.com/liintlfilmexpo.
If you had a film in the Long Island International Film Expo and have received a distribution deal (DVD, theatrical, and/or television), please send us a blurb and a link, and we’ll promote it for you on the Long Island International Film Expo facebook site.
If you have a home in Nassau County and would like to list it as a possible location for film/tv/commercial production, please contact debfilm@aol.com or call 516 571-3168.
If you have a business, service, or headshot you would like to bring to the attention of the dedicated audience that visits LongIslandFilm.com – consider placing a banner ad. They are quite reasonable this year, and could easily double in price by next year. If you sign up shortly, you will have your ad shown in random rotation for an entire year. Small banner ads are $150 – (120 x 60 pixels). Large banner ads are $300 (468 x 60 pixels). If interested, please e-mail your banner ad in the appropriate amount of pixels to debfilm@aol.com. Please include the URL you would like your ad to be connected to. You can pay by check to LIFTF, or by PalPay under “The Foundation” and then “Donations.” Just let us know when you send in your banner ad.
You can now pay for your membership to the Filmmakers Connection through PayPal on the www.LongIslandFilm.com website. Please be sure to include your name, address, phone #, e-mail address, which area of the film industry you are involved in (ex. Writer/director/producer) and whether or not you are already getting this newsletter by e-mail. Cost is $30 per year fee. If you are a student with current ID, it is $15 to join.)
If you would like to become a member (or renew your membership) of the Filmmakers Connection, please send $30, made out to the LIFTF to the Long Island Film/TV Foundation, c/o Bellmore Movies, 222 Pettit Avenue, Side Entrance, Bellmore, NY 11710. You may also pay at the meetings. The $30 membership fee entitles you to attend the Filmmakers Connection meetings for free. It also entitles you to discounts on Foundation functions such as the Long Island International Film Expo, the Awards Ceremony party, all mailings and newsletters, and (if all other criteria is met) a chance at winning the $1,000/$500 Finishing Fund Grant. (When you send in your $30, please be sure to include your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and how you are involved with the film industry, i.e. director, producer, voice overs, etc.) and whether you are already getting this newsletter by e-mail. If you are a student with appropriate college/high school ID, the cost is $15 to join for the year. If you do not join, you can still attend meetings for free.
Please be advised that the Foundation/Film Commissions/Film Offices are not responsible for speaker cancellations. Every effort will be taken to insure a speaker’s availability on the date mentioned. In case of a cancellation, every effort will be made to book an alternate speaker.
For information on the Long Island Film/TV Foundation contact Robert Hansen at 516 707-2237. For information about the Long Island International Film Expo, please contact Debra Markowitz at 516 571-3168.
Phone:__________________ Fax:__________________ E-Mail:_______________
Talent (optional: producer, writer, director, lighting, sound, acting,
Make-up, music, computers, etc) ___________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about these meetings:_______________________________
Are you already receiving this newsletter by e-mail?_____________________
To Unsubscribe – please reply via this e-mail with “Unsubscribe” in the body of the e-mail. Also please note which list # you are on (if you know). Thank you.
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