Hello All, (Must be in Nassau County)
We are in need of the following locations:
1) For television series, Pan Am, probably July 21 and 22.
They have a location that is meant to play as the exterior of an Italian Villa Hotel set in Rome. The scene depicts our leading man, captain of the new Pan Am intercontinental jet liner, pulling up on his Vespa in front of the hotel in mid-morning. He has a conversation with the head stewardess, who is also his love interest, and then drives off as she continues on to her luncheon appointment. Does anyone know where Villa Carola is? Reference Pan Am with suggestions
2) Location needed for a new pilot TV show for Comedy Central called Time Trumpet - and they would like to shoot a day's worth of work in Nassau County early next week. Very small show, crew, camera, etc.
Needs a Nassau County suburb - that is quick/easy to clear/cheap/close to NYC - and has that quintessential "small town USA" look/feel. Sidewalks, porches, street lamps and a quaint Main Street type look. Like Hicksville but "cuter." Please reference "Time Trumpet"
3) The 14th Annual Long Island Internation Film Expo (LIIFE) will be held from July 7 - 14 - July 7th is our festival warm up - kicking into high gear with our official opening night feature on Friday, July 8 at 7:00 pm. Ticket holders are invited to a complimentary wine and cheese reception from 5 pm - 6:30 pm. Seniors and students - bring a friend for free for any film block Monday - Friday that begins at 5 pm or earlier. For more information - see www.LongIslandFilm.com. Please pass the word along in your e-mail blasts, newsletters, websites and e-mail lists - thank you!! LIRR ticket holders, Town of Hempstead Employees and County of Nassau Employees get $2 off per general admission ticket (not to be combined with other offers. Thank you!
4)For indie filmmaker, Keith Black: We need a small furnished, middle class looking 2 bedroom house or condo or apartment with walk-in kitchen - NYC LOCAL as the sole location for a small indie film. We will need access for two to three weeks in August and of course have an insurance policy. But if an apartment, the landlord must approve. Scenarios that would be good - if it were a vacant guest house or maybe if it's a two family and one of the apartment are vacant or a vacation house, etc. (But must be furnished)
We hardly have anything to pay but this is a project by an underground actor-writer and will feature big name actors who are working for the passion and karma and no money. What I can promise is an Associate Producer credit and the bragging rights that go with it. I'm an inner-city math teacher on his summer break and these projects are always a major inspiration to my students.You can learn more about me here www.drivingmecrazymovie.com. www.getthescripttowoodyallen.com. You can contact him at KeithBlack1996@aol.com
Thank you for your help.
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